Almost exactly two years since Devon Gales’ paralyzing neck injury against Georgia, the former Southern University receiver is making progress on his goal to walk again.

Gales continues to transform his tragedy into inspiration for so many, now walking with the assistance of a machine after not being able to move at all.

On Thursday, Tyisha Fernandes of WSB in Atlanta was with Gales and gave an update on the player who suffered a severe spinal cord injury after a collision with Georgia kicker Marshall Morgan on Sept. 26 in Athens.

In May, Gales posted a video on Twitter of him taking 12 steps with the help of two physical therapists and training equipment. Fernandes reports that Gales has regained feeling in leg muscles that he couldn’t feel following his injury against the Bulldogs.

“It feels like I’m back to normal,” Gales told Fernandes. “Every day I get on (the machine), and they put me at that speed, I feel like I’m in a track meet. I’m trying to go as fast as I can.”

Although Morgan was on the other end of the unfortunate incident, he’s been embraced by Gales’ family, and the two have a special relationship now and keep in contact on a regular basis.

“Just the forgiveness they’ve shown, they just show pure love and compassion,” Morgan said. “That just helped all the guilt and kind of relieved some stress on that.”

Gales and Morgan have a plan to visit high schools and share their story.

Fernandes mentions at the end of her report that Gales’ family has been taking care of him in a small apartment. There’s a way to make a donation and help Gales move into a handicap-accessible home by visiting